Auto Connector Manufacturing Process & High Reliability & Seal testing requirements

What are the manufacturing processes for automotive connectors?

1. Precision manufacturing technology: This technology is mainly used for technologies such as small distance and thin thickness, which can ensure that the ultra-precision manufacturing field reaches a high level among the world's peers.

2. Light source signal and electromechanical layout combined development technology: This technology can be applied to audio car connectors with electronic components. Adding electronic components to car connectors can make car connectors have two functions, breaking the traditional design of car connectors.

3. Low temperature and low-pressure molding technology: In the manufacturing process of car connectors, the sealing and physical and chemical hot melt functions are used to make the car connectors achieve the effect of insulation and temperature resistance. After encapsulation, the wire ensures that the welding points are not pulled by external forces, ensuring the quality and reliability of car connector products.

Determine whether the auto connector has high reliability?

1. High-reliability connectors should have stress relief function:

The electrical connection of automotive connectors usually bears greater pressure and stress than the board connection, so connector products need to have stress relief functions to improve their reliability.

2. High-reliability connectors should have good vibration and impact resistance:

Automobile connectors are often affected by vibration and impact factors, which leads to connection interruption. To deal with such problems, connectors must have good vibration and impact resistance to improve their reliability.

3. High-reliability connectors should have a solid physical structure:

Unlike electrical connections separated by electric shock, to deal with adverse factors such as impact in special environments, connectors must have a solid physical structure to prevent the connectors from damaging the contacts during the pairing process due to adverse factors, thereby improving the reliability of the connectors.

4. High-reliability connectors should have high durability:

General automotive connectors may have a plug-in service life of 300-500 times, but connectors for specific applications may require a plug-in service life of 10,000 times, so the durability of the connector should be high, and it is necessary to ensure that the durability of the connector meets the standard requirements of the plug-in cycle.

5. The operating temperature range of high-reliability connectors must meet the specifications:

Generally, the operating temperature range of automotive connectors is -30°C to +85°C, or -40°C to +105°C. The range of high-reliability connectors will push the lower limit to -55°C or -65°C, and the upper limit to at least +125°C or even +175°C. At this time, the additional temperature range of the connector can generally be achieved by selecting materials (such as higher-grade phosphor bronze or beryllium copper contacts), and the plastic shell material needs to be able to maintain its shape without cracking or deforming.

What are the requirements for the sealing test of automotive connectors?

1. Sealing test: It is required to test the sealing of the connector under vacuum or positive pressure. It is generally required to seal the product with a clamp under positive or negative pressure of 10kpa to 50kpa, and then conduct an airtightness test. If the requirement is higher, the leakage rate of the test product shall not exceed 1cc/min or 0.5cc/min to be a qualified product.

2. Pressure resistance test: The pressure resistance test is divided into negative pressure test and positive pressure test. It is required to select a precise proportional control valve group for testing and vacuum the product at a certain vacuum rate starting from the initial pressure of 0.

The vacuuming time and vacuum ratio are adjustable. For example, set the vacuum extraction to -50kpa and the air extraction rate to 10kpa/min. The difficulty of this test is that the airtightness tester or leak detector is required to set the initial pressure of the negative pressure extraction, such as starting from 0, and of course, the extraction rate can be set and changed, such as starting from -10kpa.

As we all know, the sealing tester or airtightness tester is equipped with a manual or electronic pressure regulating valve, which can only adjust the pressure according to the set pressure. The initial pressure starts from 0, and the ability to evacuate depends on the vacuum source (vacuum generator or vacuum pump). After the vacuum source passes through the pressure regulating valve, the evacuation speed is fixed, that is, it can only be evacuated from 0 pressure to the fixed pressure set by the pressure regulating valve instantly, and it cannot control the evacuation pressure and time into different proportions.

The principle of the positive pressure withstand test is similar to that of the negative pressure withstand test, that is, the initial positive pressure is set to any pressure, such as 0 pressure or 10kpa, and the gradient of the pressure rise, that is, the slope can be set, such as 10kpa/min. This test requires that the pressure rise can be adjusted proportionally with time.

3.Rupture test (burst test): divided into negative pressure rupture test or positive pressure rupture test. It is required that when the vacuum is evacuated or pressurized to a certain pressure range, the product should rupture instantly, and the rupture pressure should be recorded. The difficulty of the test is that the negative pressure obtained by the air tightness tester meets the requirements of the second test, the pressure rate is adjustable, and the pressure blasting must be completed within the set range and cannot exceed it.

That is to say, blasting below this range or blasting above this range does not meet the product test requirements, and the test pressure of this blasting point needs to be recorded. This kind of measurement requires an anti-riot device. Usually, the anti-riot device places the test workpiece in a pressure-resistant stainless steel cylinder, which needs to be sealed, and a high-pressure relief valve needs to be installed on the stainless steel cylinder of the outer cover to ensure safety. 

Post time: May-22-2024